Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek! (Tibetan greeting pronounced tash-ee de-lay-k)
The path ahead, do we ever see it clearly? The answer is yes. Your higher self already knows. How do you get conscious access to this knowledge? Declare ‘the path ahead is ever clear’ and listen to inner guidance and other clues.
Most importantly, remember that you have free will choice. If you suddenly wonder if something bad is about to happen, say ‘no thanks, I refuse to play’. Follow that with ‘I choose love’ or ‘I choose health’ or any other appropriate affirmation.
The path ahead is ever clear, and ever evolving. Continue to consciously choose as a higher self. This communication is conducted between the Source of Light and your incarnation. The multi-verse is listening. Say only what you want to make manifest.
Suggested declaration of the month ‘I reinvent myself’ Recommended products and services from
‘Trauma Relief’ Spray and ‘Eternal Youth’ Radionics
Our 2025.01 newsletter topic is “The Year of Innovation and Creativity”.
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As always, thank you, and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Channeled through Reverend Terri Newlon