DK’s channeled message:
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek! (Tibetan greeting)
We ring in the New Year of 2023 with great anticipation of major change. The heavens are aligning for truth to be revealed and justice to be served. Right relationship with Creation is here.
Embrace taking off any blinders you might have had, knowingly or unknowingly. Truth can be shocking, especially when betrayal bites. Still, it is wise to embrace what is real and make changes for the better.
The human mind, as Oneness, is now being engaged with Quantum force and an interlinking process. Unreal (artificial) intelligence is attempting to limit the power of the human mind by suggestion and by gaslighting. For example, one might hear an inner voice suggest something perilous, or a device will give misinformation. Many members of humanity simply follow the orders without resistance.
The extent to which this can happen is staggering and many are already controlled by programming rather than free thinking. Some adults and children are literally addicted to their devices and claim they cannot live without them. This alone says something is wrong.
There are also some disincarnate entities who like to misguide humans. If any source of advice is negative, kick it out. Never let another control your consciousness. You are the driver making all the decisions and are responsible for all actions and reactions. You can say ‘no thanks, I refuse to play’ with a giggle or smile which dispels fear and disempowers a predator. They only have control if you fear them, and they will try to keep you in a state of fear.
Mind over matter works. Mind is far more powerful than all matter, even when tapping only 5 or 10 percent of brain power. It can be as simple as repeatedly confirming a command, such as ‘all is well’ or ‘I am healthy, wealthy and wise’. Your belief is what matters. Thoughts manifest into things. Love is the most powerful healing force in Creation. Self-love is always an inside job.
Unreal intelligence would like you to believe it has full control and that you must obey it. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is time for humanity to consciously control its destiny in alignment with celestial enlightenment. ‘Disable all unreal intelligence’ is a good command.
Continue to reinforce Quantum Brain Entanglement and Multi-verse expansion. Incarnate humans have the absolute power to do anything imaginable and truly beyond the imagination. Be a beautiful Creator of organic higher consciousness.
Suggested declaration of the month: ‘The human mind has infinite power over all matter.’
Highly recommended product of the month: Clear All Radiation by OmBeOne.Love
Our 2023.02 topic is “Claiming Good Karma”.
Please visit the free archives at and
As always, thank you and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Ongoing CEP live, recorded, and transcribed teachings:
2023 “The Year of Turn Arounds”
01.04.2023 “Financial Expansion and Receivership”
01.11.2023 “Divine Masculine Manifestation Techniques”
01.18.2023 “Peace Treaties Begin Within”
01.25.2023 “Predictions and Premonitions”
02.01.2023 “9th Dimensional Shape Shifting Practice”
02.08.2023 “Divine Feminine Manifestation Techniques”
02.15.2023 “Tibetan Buddhism and Its Effect on the World”
02.22.2023 “Self-Improvement Invocations”
03.01.2023 “2023 ~ 2nd Quarter Forecast by DK”
03.08.2023 “Mental Plane Clearing and Matrix Folding”
03.15.2023 “Accelerated Healing on All Levels”
03.22.2023 “Mass Consciousness Awakening”
03.29.2023 “Soul Merge for Humanity”
3 Sacred Moons of 2023
(celebrated on the Wednesday call of or before the actual date)
04.05.2023 “Full Moon of the Christ 2023”
05.05.2023 “Full Moon of Wesak 2023”
06.03.2023 “Full Moon of Humanity 2023”