DK’s channeled message:
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek!
November begins with All Saints’ Day. Please invoke Angels, Saints, Masters, and all Enlightened Beings.
We are in Jupiter (money) and Mars (war) retrogrades. We also have a powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Election Day in the US which opens the possibility of chaos and mind control, along with anger and violence. Please remain as peace filled as possible and ask to be a conduit for Divine Love.
Here are some key dates and suggestions for positive actions and thoughts:
11.01.2022 All Saint’s Day is a reminder that Spirit is eternal. Halloween is a classic time when the veils between the living and the non-living are the thinnest. I recommend if you wear a costume, that it be a positive, joyful, healing and benevolent one. Wear imaginary or real angel wings on All Saints’ Day.
11.08.2022 Mid-term Elections in the US are on a heavily aspected day. It is also challenged with an eclipse and full moon. We anticipate a lot of chatter on the inner planes and attempts at mind control or riot inspired thought waves. Keep shaking off negativity and channeling love and clarity. Peace, please.
11.15-16.2022 Venus enters Sagittarius and feminine love energy expands. Be mindful those who lack this energy will most likely be polarized into the Mars retrograde in Gemini influence. Steer clear of those personality types. Pray for world peace.
11.17.2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius making communication expand, and perhaps be more fiery or lively. It can be used positively for peace talks and other forms of resolution.
11.23.2022 Jupiter goes direct in Pisces after being retrograde since July 28. This affects finances on a personal and planetary basis. Clearly state what you are grateful for in your life. Welcome even more abundance in surprising ways beyond your imagination. EnJOY and express gratitude!
December is a busy holiday time. We will experience Neptune (water) direct in psychic Pisces (water) on December 3. Emotionally, this could be a fountain for some. Purge old emotions and practice forgiveness ahead of time.
Here is my suggestion for this month:
I choose JOY and CLARITY. I activate PEACE.
Breathe, move your body, maybe take 3 steps forward, gently bounce up and down, or make any motion you can. Always true: Intention with movement creates manifestation. Breathe out audibly.
As always, thank you and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Upcoming CEP live and recorded teachings:
2022 “The Year of Resolve”
11.02.2022 “Prep for Lunar Eclipse/Election Day”
11.09.2022 “Honoring the Past While Staying Present”
11.16.2022 “Jupiter in Pisces for the Enlightened”
11.23.2022 “Gratitude and Prosperity”
11.30.2022 “Neptune Direct in Pisces”
12.07.2022 “2023 ~ 1st Quarter Forecast by DK”
12.14.2022 “Jupiter in Aries Prep”
12.21.2022 “Chiron Direct Prep”
12.28.2022 “Pluto Returns for USA No. 3”
2023 “The Year of Turn Arounds” – topics are determined in the preceding Quarterly Forecast