Origins of the 12 Ray Attunements
Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, also known as The Tibetan, taught about Rays 1 through 7 through the books of Alice A. Bailey published by Lucis Trust organization. He later brought Rays 8 through 12 through Janet McClure at The Tibetan Foundation, Inc. DK continued his work with the Rays through Rev. Terri Newlon of in the form of The 12 Ray Attunements, Positive Aspect Only.

This profound body of work took one year to create.
Rev. Terri Newlon would channel Djwhal Khul’s RAY ATTUNEMENT of the month to a test group at the rate of only one per month throughout the year of 2005. “DK” also created the I-Ching in his incarnation as Confucius, and the famed volumes of work known as the AAB material.
Most of these attunements were delivered to just a few DK students by private session with Rev. Terri Newlon. Some of them were offered in group format only. Note: Terri no longer offers Ray Attunements by private session. She is working on the next level of World Service, and Global Distribution of the DK Teachings. She does teach and certify others in Ray Attunements.
Originally, The 12 Ray Attunements came through strategically in the order shown below, beginning with the 4th Ray Green for Harmony and World Peace, and ending with the 10th Ray Pearlescent Pink-White for magnetizing the Light of the Soul to Humanity for Soul Merge.
Original Ray Attunement order: 4, 1, 7, 9, 12, 6, 11, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10
Benefits of the Ray Attunements in Original Order Given: PDF
A minimum of 3 days is suggested for integration before proceeding to the next attunement, unless you are already attuned and are deepening the process with repetition.
If you have been through the entire attunement sequence before, you can do the attunements any time you feel it is appropriate for you to do so, and in any order.
Many healers and artists now use this work. Credit to the source is always appreciated.
©2005 Terri Newlon Inc. All rights reserved.
Purchase the 12 Ray Attunements
All 12 Ray Attunements MP3 Download
You can count substantial savings by purchasing all 12 Ray Attunements at once. When purchased separately, the cost is $240, but you can purchase them all here for only $127.
Fourth Ray Attunement MP3 Download
This is the first of the Twelve Ray Attunements: The Fourth Ray ~ Green ~ Harmony ~ 4th Ray Green ~ HARMONY: I CREATE HARMONY. I MANIFEST HARMONY. I AM HARMONY. A gentle teaching of how to clear conflict from past, present and future, and replace it with Harmony only. This is a technique that can be practiced over and over. DK then invokes the higher octaves of Harmony, which represents future use of the Ray. These are fully anchored in all four bodies, then the bodies are synchronized, and the ray is anchored again. This attunement leaves you feeling very good, and in tune or harmony with your environment and all of Creation.
First Ray Attunement MP3 Download
This is the second of the Twelve Ray Attunements: The First Ray ~ Red ~ Divine Will ~ 1st Ray RED ~ DIVINE WILL: I SERVE DIVINE WILL. I MANIFEST DIVINE WILL. I AM DIVINE WILL. DK guides you through a process of understanding how misconceptions about Divine Will get formed, from the primitive beliefs about an eclipse, to religious and metaphysical programming. He then talks about times when personal will is used to override the Soul’s Design, such as living a life time as a farmer when the Soul incarnated to be a traveler, etc. Both areas of misconception are cleared using the “Consciousness, where have we stored. . .” technique. DK then attunes the third eye, throat and heart chakras, and creates a laser beam of pink-red light to keep one aligned as Will.
Seventh Ray Attunement MP3 Download
Ninth Ray Attunement MP3 Download
Twelfth Ray Attunement MP3 Download
This is the fifth of the Twelve Ray Attunements: The Twelfth Ray ~ Gold ~ Inner Wisdom ~ 12th Ray GOLD ~ INNER WISDOM: ALL WISDOM IS WITHIN. I KNOW. PRESENT, HERE, NOW. To prepare for this attunement, DK calls forth the five higher rays in sequential order, giving a brief description of each. A large column of gold light is established through the bodies and into the Earth. DK clears the neutral aspect of in waiting for wisdom and the negative aspect of not knowing the answers or deferring to the wisdom of others. The Spiritual Umbrella of Protection from the Hierarchy is then constructed, and Cosmic Christed Gold flows through you to all sentient beings.